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Private Loans for Graduates and Professional Students

Options to help students earn their advanced education degrees.

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Partnership Advance Education Loan

This loan is a national loan for graduate students, and cosigners can help students meet the credit requirements.

Illinois Partnership Loan Program

This loan is for Illinois residents attending an eligible Illinois college or university. Cosigners can help students meet the credit requirements.

Partnership No-Cosigner Loan for Graduates

This specialized loan is a fixed-rate option for grad students attending an Iowa college or university full time and meeting specific criteria.

The suite of Partnership Loan products are designed to supplement — not replace — other sources to fill funding gaps for students and parents. Students and parents should work with financial aid professionals at their respective colleges and universities to explore and exhaust all sources of student financial aid before seeking a private loan.

Student loans should be used for education costs only. Remember that every dollar you borrow now must be repaid later with interest. Information about the suite of Partnership Loan products is provided upfront and in clear terms so students and families have a full picture of the loan before they begin the application process.